søndag den 12. oktober 2008

Fakta om canada på engelsk

In Canada there are 31.081.900 inhabitants. The capital in Canada is Ottawa. There are ca. 1 mio inhabitants. The Canada flag is 1 red and 2 is white and 3 red. In the 2 line are there a mapleleaf. The Mapleleaf are red. Becaurse there are very many mapletrees in Canada. And there are very big mautens. (Rocky Mautens) And trees. The biggest city in Canada is Toronto. There are 2.571.400 inhabitants.

In Canada are there are 60% there speak english and 23% french and 19 other. Areal in Canada 9.093.507 km2 ( in Denmark 43.000). Religion 45% Katolikker 36% Protestanter 19% other. 100 Canada dollar (Canadiske dollars) ca. 500 DKK $1 = 4,75 kr. Biggest lake:31.326 km2. Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territories.

The biggest waterfall in Canada are in British Columbia. 440 m. Vancouver, British Columbia: 2.049.000 indb. The national anthem is o Canada. There are 10 states in Canada: Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, british Columbia.. I live in British Columbia. there live indain In Canada here thay but called First Nation

3 kommentarer:

Anja sagde ...

Sejt. Så blev jeg lige lidt klogere. Jeg vil også gerne vide noget om dyr i Canada.... på fransk :-)
Knus, Mor

Unknown sagde ...

Nu vil jeg snart se fotos af grizzly:P

DenGuleHund sagde ...

hey hey nu er vi på vancouver island og der er der bjørne i den by vi er dir paul.